About International
In many underdeveloped and impoverished countries, people with limb loss do not have the funds to pay for a prosthesis, and commonly there is not a Prosthetist present to offer these services. In areas where there is conflict, or natural disaster has taken everything from the people, Prosthetic care is not an option. These people are already fighting to survive and be productive members of their society, and living without a limb or limbs can be devastating. A child in these situations has very little chance at living the normal life comparable to a young child that runs, plays, walks to school, and help around the home. Their self worth and determination of succeeding is minimal in these situations.
The Limb Kind Foundation helps children with limb loss regain their motivation and determination by providing Prostheses free of charge! Providing a child a prosthesis doesn't just change that one life, but it alters the future of many lives. Help support the Limb Kind Foundation, so more children with limb loss all over the world receive prostheses.
International Presence
See Where We Help!
Areas of Impact
Sri Lanka
July 2023, partnership with CFH (Centre for the Handicapped)
Titanyen, Haiti
Partnering with Mission of Hope, helping children who lost limbs in the earthquake of 2010.
Partnering with Cure International.
Partnering with Cure International.
Davao City, Phillipines
Partnering with Cure International at the Tebow Cure Hospital.